SKU: B713


This machine performs a squaring operation on marble, granite and similar stones slabs, through the elimination of both sides and ends irregularities. B713 machine, that is utilized in polishing and/or resining lines, improves polishing machine performance though the preparation of consistently wide slabs with straight edges and without resin leakages. A set of sensors at entry side individuates head and tail cuts positions, that are performed by the transversal disc, whilst the two discs for longitudinal cuts are adjusted manually. Two pneumatic hammers crush the longitudinal waste that will be easily eliminated, together with transversal waste, at conveyor belt end.

Τεχνικά Χαρακτηριστικά

Μέγιστο πλάτος πλακών τροφοδοσίας (mm): 2150
Μέγιστος πλάτος πλακών στην έξοδο (mm): 2000
Μέγιστο επεξεργάσιμο πάχος (mm): 35
Αριθμός κατακόρυφων κεφαλών: 2
Αριθμός οριζόντιων κεφαλών: 1
: 400
Εγκατεστημένη θερμαντική ισχύς (kW): 37
Απαιτήσεις αέρα (NL/min): 180


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