CNC Concept

SKU: Concept


Numerically controlled working center with three-four interpolated axes to process slabs and blocks with medium thickness.

Any type of edge contouring (rough or polished) thus milling, drilling, countersinking, pocketing, bas-relief and writing can be executed.

Every processing required from a marble workshop is easy and automatic thanks to the user-friendly and complete programming software and to the high-powered numerical control.

Τεχνικά Χαρακτηριστικά

Κίνηση σέλας (άξονας X): 3760
Διαμήκης διαδρομή γέφυρας (άξονας Υ) (mm): 2080
Κατακόρυφη διαδρομή της μονάδας εργασίας (άξονας Z) (mm): 330
Ταχύτητα άξονα Χ (mm/min): 0-65000
Ταχύτητα άξονα Υ (mm/min): 0-65000
Ταχύτητα άξονα Z (mm/min): 0-15000
Εργαλειοθήκη (nr): 26
Ωφέλιμες διαστάσεις (mm): 3760x1710x330
Ισχύς κεφαλής (kW): 13,5
Ταχύτητα κεφαλής (rpm): 15000


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